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Russell James, Photographer
Mark Robinson, Underwater Coordinator

(Underwater hair, makeup, wardrobe and fish wrangler)

After an extensive underwater scout, Rolex executives and J. Walter Thompson creatives chose the waters of the Bahamas over Bonaire.

Photographer Russell James made certain the NYC models that were cast completed an extensive underwater audition. Russell felt this ambitious project was ideally suited for Mark because it involved a filming situation that he has over the years developed a unique expertise for. 

"Filming talent at depth underwater requires special training with the models to develop the required skills, comfort and trust level. I've learned from experience that two of the key elements in this situation are communication and compensating for the talent's buoyancy."   Mark Robinson

During this filming session, multiple communication systems were linked together so not only could Russell and Mark converse underwater, but their communication was amplified so the rest of the underwater crew could understand what was required.

The primary focus was safety while at the same moment dealing with interesting and unexpected hair and wardrobe concerns unique to underwater filming.

"Consider that the average model can only comfortably hold her breath for little more than thirty seconds. In that short time she must be taken off of scuba, hair and bubbles cleared from her face, the dress wrangled into motion while chumming for tropical fish with frozen green peas. This must all be completed and still leave enough time for Russell to get off a dozen shots before she signals the safety diver for her air supply."  Mark Robinson