"I have worked with Mark on several projects, including a
fascinating "mermaid" shoot in the Bahamas. I found his knowledge of
the destination
and vision of how to make a difficult shoot happen
safely and efficiently a great comfort. With a big budget at stake,
and all the other variables that the ocean brings to the mix, it is
constantly reassuring to have Mark Robinson at the helm. His water
skills, easy interaction with models and shooters, and above all,
awareness of marine safety can make a project happen." Stephen Frink,
www.stephenfrink.com |

... it is constantly reassuring to have Mark Robinson at the helm.
Stephen Frink Photographer
"In regards to location-based production, I have
rarely worked with a more efficient, professional and courteous
producer than Mark Robinson. While shooting on location, Mark made
the time to get to know the locals, listen to their question s and
concerns and then took the necessary steps to problem-shoot any
potential roadblocks. The result was not only a happy community that
would graciously welcome him back anytime, but also a successful
shoot and a pleased client."
Dale Gordon, Director – Orlando Film Commission
Metro Orlando Film &
Entertainment Commission

Mark made the time to get to know the locals, listen to their
questions and concerns... Dale Gordon, Director Orlando Film Commission
Click here for the whole story from the Orlando Sentinel article.
"I've worked with Mark on various projects over the past 5 years
and each time very relieved to have him in charge. He is extremely
organized, puts great attention
to detail and continuity, and always positive
no matter what
unexpected problem(s) came our way. He has a great passion for the
business and it is very obvious to anyone that works with him."
Jeff Wilbee, Sr. Art Director
J. Walter Thompson

He has a great passion for the business and it is very obvious
to anyone that works with him. Jeff Wilbee Sr. Art Director |
"A one man swat team.....on land, on the water or
underwater....Mark has proven to be invaluable on our
for US Virgin Islands, Club Med in Mexico, Cadillac,
7-Up...and a nice guy to boot!!!"
Richard Goldberg Partner/Executive Producer
Taxi Films, Inc. |

A one man swat team...Mark has proven to be invaluable on our
productions... Richard Goldberg Partner/Executive Producer |
"Here’s what Mark always has: your back. One time we were on a
4-day NAPA shoot with NASCAR drivers, all locations and many company
moves . Mark produced it, and with no industry water truck available
he drove a Hertz rental water truck for the wet-downs. Never dropped
a ball. Never has, never will."
Greg Pope, Director/Partner
Two Popes |

Here’s what Mark always has: your back... Never dropped a
ball. Never has, never will. Greg Pope Director/Partner
"Our experience on location in Florida this spring (2006) with Mark
as our Assistant Director was precedent setting. No quality of
service or attention
to detail was overlooked, shoot days were well
planned and executed. I don't know what we would have done without
Donna Heffernan, Head of Broadcast Services
J. Walter Thompson |

I don't know what we would have done without him. Donna Heffernan Head of Broadcast Services
"My first recommendation to anyone shooting in Mark’s part of the
world -- 'Call Mark'-- Not only do I have great confidence in
his abilities as
a PM-Assistant Director-Producer all rolled up in one having shot
with him 5 or 6 times in the Caribbean, Florida, California and
under water, he makes an amazing Cuban coffee on the go."
Jennifer Base, Producer
Films / Toronto, Ontario |

...Not only do I have great confidence in his abilities...he
makes an amazing Cuban coffee on the go... Jennifer Base Producer
"I think that our Jamaican adventure and filming of t he passing reefer vessel from Costa Rica was a great challenge and I want to thank you for your perfect organization. Your deep thought about every detail was just wonderful and helped so much in getting the best result out of our filming. The experience working with you allows only one statement: We will definitely be coming again!"
Philipp Wolfes, Executive Producer
PanFilm Wolfes KG / Hamburg, Germany |

...our Jamaican adventure...was a great challenge and I want to
thank you for your perfect organization. Philipp Wolfes Executive Producer |